Monday, June 28, 2010

Prayer for Divine Vision

I marvel at different perspectives seen (or heard) from people. Yesterday at church I listened to two talks on the subject of love. As I was listening the message the spirit wanted me to hear was a powerful lesson for Susan, which has caused me to repent and to pray for more Divine Vision. A few weeks back I returned to an old email address I had a long time ago. I wanted to delete basically junk mail. I was surprised and saddened to find a message sent to me from one of my participants from a pool class I taught six years ago informing me that one of our dear friends (Mike) from that class had died. Not only did I feel sad for this sweet man's passing but I also felt regret for not responding to this participant until that very day when I went back into that old email address. I had often thought of Mike because even after I stopped teaching this class we would write emails to each other catching up on our lives. I periodically wondered why I had not heard from Mike but that was as far as I got....just thinking and wondering about him. The last three years have been challenging for me and my faith has been tried but I realized during these talks yesterday that my misery is no excuse for not having divine vision and leaving myself to serve others. My lesson yesterday struck a deep chord in my heart and it is my prayer that I can, and will, act upon the promptings I receive (regardless of any personal trials I may be facing) and serve HIS children with the love HE has given me.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


May I suggest to the reader to find sanctuary somewhere in your home. I have found that my sanctuary (or my secret place) is of great importance in my day-to-day living. I go to this place, light a candle, and I sit and pray and just meditate while gazing into the soft candlelight. Sometimes this can only be for a few minutes while other times I have perhaps fifteen or twenty minutes. The thought I would like to share with you though is how calming this small ritual has become in my life. This simple action gives me pause to center myself and just "Be."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thoughts to Accompany that Smile

I read recently that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile so if that's the case, shouldn't that be a goal of ours to smile more often? I walk-jog every morning and while I am exercising I use this opportunity to pray. After reading this article on smiling I have decided to really concentrate on smiling (even during the grueling hill I must climb in our neighborhood). Now, you may wonder; "What kinds of happy thoughts can I form to accompany this smile?" I will share with you some that I incorporate like; "I am thankful I have this body to exercise," or "I enjoy the sound of the birds greeting me this morning," or "I am thankful I have eyes to see this beautiful sunrise." While driving my car and smiling I think thoughts like; "I love this music playing on my CD player," or "How much I love my family," or "How grateful I am to have such incredible friends." It's really amazing how these two simple things; smiling and thoughts can change your perspective of the day. In my morning prayers, I always ask that I can be "wise with my moments" because that's what we truly have...are moments and I am finding that since I have begun this practice of smiling and uplifting thoughts it has improved my outlook. Try it and see if it makes a difference in you and share your thoughts with me if you would like.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Weeding in the Garden

Just as weeding is a constant activity in the garden, the same truth applies to life. I must focus on pulling the weeds of; negative thoughts, anger, frustration or anxiety in order to allow the flowers of; contentment, gratitude, peace or joy to bloom.

Welcome to my Garden

For as long as I could remember I have loved the Stargazer Lily. I love it for it’s most heavenly fragrance and it’s gorgeous beauty, not to mention it’s name because I love gazing at the stars and pondering this beautiful world created for us. It wasn’t until recently that I learned that my name, Susan, means lily so the name of this blog represents me, Susan, and also my favorite flower.

Why “thought and prayer?” I refer to Galatians 6:7 where it reads; “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” In keeping with lilies and a garden theme of thoughts and prayers, I wanted to send out (or sow) seeds of uplifting thoughts and prayers to the readers. It is my humble prayer that you will be able to leave my blog with a peaceful heart and uplifted spirit.